1-Risk-A tutorial about risk and insurance.

2-Risk,Perils,And Hazards.

3- Handling Risk.

4- Insurance;Insurance Risk ; Underwriting And Adverse Selection-A tutorial about the basics of insurance companies, underwriting and adverse selection,and what constitutes and insurable risk.

5-Legal liability and Negligence

6-Law of Large Numbers: Using the law of large number to determine underwriting risk and insurance premium.

6-Indemnity: How property insurance pays for losses.

7-Insurable interest: What constitutes an  insurable interest , and when must it exist.


9- Utmost Good Faith-Representations,Concealment's, And Warranties-Why honesty is the best policy in insurance.

10-Insurance Contract.

11-Insurance Deductible- The different types of deductibles and how they reduce insurance premiums.

Coinsurance-How coinsurance reduce health  insurance premiums,and equalizes rates for  property insurance.

12-Multiple insurance Coverage: Pro Ra-ta Liability,Contribution of Equal shares, and primary and Excess insurance-What determines ho much each insurance policy pays when multiple policies cover the same loss.
Credit-Based Insurance Scores- How and why personal credit scores affect insurance rates.


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